Voice readout changes

Hi folks, 

Could we please have a big menu button to snooze the voice readout? I like the prompts but it gets like a nagging wife when you are changing batteries or reading log files. 

Also,  we we make it so that it reads out sensible things? I have not had telemetry data for negative 2 tra-billing seconds. ;) 

Many thanks, 


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  • Developer

    Ive added some more checks.

    if battery voltage drops bellow 5v it wont tell you anything.

    and if you are not armed it will not say no data.


    which should address both issues.

  • I fly fixed wing. So "just" disconnect when battery is at 20% is not such a good option. If totally up to me, after 10 seconds of warning there would be an auto mute for 60 seconds and then another 10 seconds of warning. Any new warning would automatically override mute. While muted the warning text would flash red as a reminder. In fact I would like the warning text to flash red muted or not. Each of us has our own idiosyncrasies so compromises are necessary.
  • I'll go an add it as a feature request :)

    Yes, I can mute the audio, yes I can disconnect etc but those are all pretty drastic. A simple "Snooze for 2-5 minutes" would be good. Automatically cancel "snooze" when the 'copter arms.

    I think it is a great feature and not knocking it - these are simply refinements to it (which I believe) will improve the feature:

     - Don't warn about battery voltage being zero or negative two tra-billion (is that even a number?) There should be a cut-off (user set?) of when a 3S battery is considered low.

     - Don't warn about (TBD?) stuff when disarmed. When disarmed I'm probably not _that_ interested in stuff.

    Off to log issue...

    Urg - yet another username and password needed for something :(

  • Developer

    You can always "fn - "Mute Audio" key on a laptop to kill the audio.


    A useful feature would be mute for 60seconds (or some period) since then if you foget to re-enable it will happen automatically for you. go to https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues and raise this as a feature request.

    NOTE: When raising feature requests please also document your Use Case or User Story i.e. Why you want a certain behaviour and how it helps you solve a particular problem. This helps as there maybe a better 'feature' that can be implemented to solve your Use Case.

  • I was speaking if a "one click" mute current warning. This may be tricky cuz u want a new warning to come through. Flashing red warning text would not let u forget u muted it.
  • How. I've been missing something. I always thought I had to go into set up and change voice.
  • T3
    I just mute the audio till I change batteries. Love the audio feed. Used a Bluetooth ear piece too.
  • Goto the issues on github and add your ideas.

  • I feel your pain and agree. I would like to mute the audio but leave the "red" text warning. In fact, while we're discussing it, I'd the text warnings to flash...

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