Hello all,

Looking forward to purchase an autopilot or Flight Controller Board that can go for a fully Autonomous mission. So, what I feel it should support is, Auto Takeoff and Landing, Altitude hold, Hover at a desired altitude and distance, loiter. I feel that covers almost all important modes.

I would like to have your suggestions for this. It would be beautiful if you can share what are all the autopilots or FCBs can perform almost all of the required features.

Thank you so much for your help.

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  • I have but have not tested   !. DJI Naza..through DJI Go may need Ipad.   $200-500..can buy just the FC  and accompanying                                               GPS. Which is what I have mounted on a TBS Discovery frame. 

                                                 2. Hubsan 501A  $150

                                                 3. Sky Viper GPS       $150

                                                 4. Walkera QX350 

                                                 5. Parrot Bebop 2 (not1)   ...all these do waypoints.  Again I cannot give accurate info as to their performance as I have not had time to test them but I will soon. 

                                                     Others that I know of., but do not own. 

                                                   6.  3DR Solo, Pix and other open source drones.. 


                                                     7. Cheerson CX-20 is in this open source class and can be had for  $200 or so.  There are many more.. like the Bugs 5W with dual GPS form $150..

    Good luck I will be posting my results..see my FB page. 

    open source drones - Bing
  • PX4 series is our favourite. We are currently using Pixhawk cube (2.1)

  • Never really had a ground station for controlling pixhawk that I totally liked. Windows is great unless you run into driver issues for connecting to the USB modems (which may break from a recent windows update). Mission Planner has gotten a lot more stable, but the graphing has a lot less to be desired. More specifically no way to setup custom scaling for individual graphs like APMPlanner2.

    I've never had any issues running the drivers on Linux (using ubuntu) and running APMPlanner2 and it runs quite reliably. The only issues is when analyzing data logs it tends to crash from time to time.

    I heard UGCS is good, but I have had no experience with it and the group I heard from was using it for DJI stuff, but supposively it works with APM too...

  • Not really, I would never have anything mission critical run on windows, or anything I expect to work on site after a day of travel.

    APMPlanner2 , QgroundControl and maybe expecially  MAVProxy are multiplatforn GCS solutions better suited for professional use, or use when reliability counts.

  • Thank you Andre

    So I think Mission Planner will be the correct and the best one to go for it. Right?

  • Pixhawk 2, running Arducopter

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