Where To Buy Pixhawk

I bought my original at 3dr and now it says out of stock.  Should I buy a fake?  I dont want to. lol!

I want to get the controller and the GPS and all the goodies.

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  • Info from 3DR on the Pixhawk Mini
    " Expect to see all details, a quick start guide and faq on our site by Wednesday but here is a rundown:
    Main Processor: STM32F427 Rev 3
    IO Processor: STM32F103
    Accel/Gyro/Mag: MPU9250
    Accel/Gyro: ICM20608
    Barometer: MS5611
    Voltage Ratings:
    Power module output: 4.1~5.5V
    Max input voltage: 45V (10S LiPo)
    Max current sensing: 90A
    USB Power Input: 4.1`5.5V
    Servo Rail Input: 0~10V
    Dimensions: 38x43x12mm
    Weight: 15.8g
    External GPS Module: GNSS receiver: ublox Neo-M8N; compass HMC5983
    Weight: 22.4g
    Dimensions: 37x37x12mm
    1 x UART Serial Port
    Spektrum DSM/DSM2/DSM-X® Satellite Compatible
    Futaba S BUS® Compatible
    PPM Sum Signal Input
    Internal Micro USB Port"
  •  I think I found my problem, I have been attempting flight with a 4 cell battery like I did with my other FC boards.  I tried a 3 cell and it maintained flight, but very unstable like the PID are too high.  I will now tone those down and see what happens.

    Steve Kurywchak said:

    Hi Rob,

      How did the 250 fly with a bad IMU using the PixFalcon.?  I have used every board from APM to the PixRacer and cannot get the Hobbyking PixFalcon to lift off without eventually flipping back wards.  Are you using a power module to power the board?  I am using two wires to connect to the PM ,  5V and ground.  We can't power the servo rail, as I am used to doing with all the other boards, also there is no ground connections to the ESCs'.  Any thought you can share? 



    Rob_Lefebvre said:

    Gary, I've got a Pixfalcon on a 250 racer.  The IMU failed after about 10-20 flights.  I will be replacing it with an AUAV Pixracer, just haven't gotten around to it yet.  I don't use Hobbyking junk anymore.  They just have no quality control or engineering standards.  They will even foist off junk with known major engineering errors, such as their Pixracer clones.  I just don't have time to deal with this crap anymore.

  • 100KM

    Super excited about this - I've installed 4 Holybro Pixfalcons this year and I'm very happy with their performance, but I look forward to a 3DR version along with the new engineering improvements. I'll be refreshing the page regularly...

    Chris Anderson said:

    The Pixhawk Mini is a new version with upgraded sensors and CPU. It comes with adapter cables for old-style DF13 connector devices.  That's a preview listing. The full listing will be coming this week. 

  • Hi Rob,

      How did the 250 fly with a bad IMU using the PixFalcon.?  I have used every board from APM to the PixRacer and cannot get the Hobbyking PixFalcon to lift off without eventually flipping back wards.  Are you using a power module to power the board?  I am using two wires to connect to the PM ,  5V and ground.  We can't power the servo rail, as I am used to doing with all the other boards, also there is no ground connections to the ESCs'.  Any thought you can share? 



    Rob_Lefebvre said:

    Gary, I've got a Pixfalcon on a 250 racer.  The IMU failed after about 10-20 flights.  I will be replacing it with an AUAV Pixracer, just haven't gotten around to it yet.  I don't use Hobbyking junk anymore.  They just have no quality control or engineering standards.  They will even foist off junk with known major engineering errors, such as their Pixracer clones.  I just don't have time to deal with this crap anymore.

  • yes. i don't want to be sarcastic on this, but looks like the wheel is turning backwards.. 

    Philip said:

    Jerry, did you delete your own comment?
  • You Guys give me an idea.

    Apparently we have a lot of really good choices, some OK choices and lots of not so good choices.

    What we need is a comprehensive description and capability, performance and reliability comparison of each one.

    I do not think our main guys here, Philip, Roberto or Victor have anything to fear from this as you are clearly the lead systems.

    But we really need a comprehensive description that lets each person make the most educated decision they can for themselves.

    I don't think we are all likely to completely agree on comparative values, but we can come pretty close.

    It appears we actually suffer from a plethora (lot) of systems and are currently really not picking the ones that are best for each of us.

    Right now I am building a shop and have to put a roof on it soon, but I am still willing to participate in an effort to put this together if you all think it is worthwhile.

    I will give it it's own entire section on my DronesAreFun web site and we can put it in a blog here and possibly on the ArduPilot site as well if they will have it.

    @ Philip, thank you for the response.

    Best Regards,


  • @Roberto. I own XUAV X2, 3DR Pixhawk, and VR uBrain 5.2 (2 of them) and I must say it is a great board that any serious people should consider.

    Roberto Navoni said:

    VR Brain 5.2 still available in standard format and micro ,too . And it's official supported by the Ardupilot team . 

    So there are a lot of option instead to buy PixFalcon . 

    On VR Brain there are also Pro support for special application with integration in ROS. Some big company choose to use VR Brain Pro for its custom and complex drone.

  • Developer

    Yes Jordi's Solo GPS is plug and play!

  • I see Jordi is doing US made and properly AUAV attributed  Pixracer's for $99 and it seems quality Pixhawks for $99. Nice to see another player providing what I can only imagine is quality hardware.

  • Hi Rob,

    Is that GPS simply plug and play compatible with the Solo?

    And do you need a specific adapter?

    Are you using it on your Solo?

    Also not to forget other big Dronekit player Intel with it's own Edison based flight controller.



This reply was deleted.


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