I have successfully built an API that will work with Ipad/ Iphone and will be able to port it to Android. This app can create missions, follow live mavlink .9 (Still working on 1.0) data with telemetry data. Cool thing is that it is a cheap cable to make. I want to know how many people would be interested in this App and the cable. There will be two versions one for jail broke devices that will have a few extras and for regular IOS and Droid OS. If there enough buzz I will give a lucky few in couple weeks a free beta pass through iTunes to be able to test and use for flight. What the app does is that it send a mavlink message to the xbee or 3d radio back and forth so you be able to fly and track using your tablet or phone.



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  • Do you have any screen shots of what the system will look like?

  • I would love to test the system for you....

    I have an established UAS system that has 150 hrs on it with my APM 1.4.


    I have an iPad 2 and iPhone 4

  • Nice.

    I was thinking of buying a cheep laptop just to be able to see the telemetry, but a Ipad solution would be so much better.

  • So I finish the serial cable and sent the designs to apple. Pretty much a pinout board and xbee or 3dr radio base. I had to explain what the feature does and how it works with the app. So hopefully can get the approval and be able produce or have approval for the non jailbroke app. Seems once you get approval here the app will be approved by them quickly. I called them yesterday and send them a few designs so we see what happens.

  • I'd give my left arm for iPad/iPhone. Seriously though, if it was a solid solution, I would have no prob paying $20 on the app store for it
  • Great work!

    I'm in for iPad/iPhone 

  • Hi Zachary,

    Seeing your post sparked a bit of inspiration for an application I've been working with.  I'm looking into applying some heavy computing power in the field but without adding a lot of additional equipment to the battalion trains. The iPhone package running your app sounds like it might provide the ideal link back to Matlab running on my home system.

    Put me down as a supporter for a non-jailbroken iPhone version!

  • Nice !

    I was wondering if that could be possible... for Android of course.

    Very interested.


  • So progress with the apps are I am working on a graphical interface hud for both apps. Then have to fine tune the data to display the correct image on the HUD. The serial cable done so I am sending my drawlings and patient to apple for approval. Time will tell on their part they are slow. When this gets approved life will be easier with direct connections antennas low lag as that you would get with wifi or bluetooth.

  • IPAD (no jailbreak) for me please!

    Great idea and effort!

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