I have successfully built an API that will work with Ipad/ Iphone and will be able to port it to Android. This app can create missions, follow live mavlink .9 (Still working on 1.0) data with telemetry data. Cool thing is that it is a cheap cable to make. I want to know how many people would be interested in this App and the cable. There will be two versions one for jail broke devices that will have a few extras and for regular IOS and Droid OS. If there enough buzz I will give a lucky few in couple weeks a free beta pass through iTunes to be able to test and use for flight. What the app does is that it send a mavlink message to the xbee or 3d radio back and forth so you be able to fly and track using your tablet or phone.



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  • hi, im keen to give it a try

  • https://code.google.com/p/airmavgcs/ Just created the project on google.

  • Hi there, sorry for may not be the right place where to write but...

    I was even looking for an app that could do something for us, so I've started from the basics... Interface!

    I've got an asus Transformer Prime with an USB on the keyboard part, so I tried to see if an FTDI communication was possible... I've some 3DR radio so I connected one with a ftdi cable and then I was looking for some app that could read a serial through USB.

    I've found "Slick USB 2 Serial Terminal"!

    After some configuration I was able to write to my Desktop running a Serial Viewer on another 3DR radio and... IT WORKED!

    So i guess no specific cable is needed, I just used an FTDI to USB stock cable...

    Maybe, as this application works, what is needed now is a mavlink-serial reader.

    Even a CLI could be enough to start...

    Sorry if I just jumped some steps but I really think this could be really interesting!

    Waiting for having comments and thoughts from you!


  • I have several Android tablets(transformer,thrive 32gb) and several Android phones (brand new galaxy s3!, galaxy s, HTC liberty). I would love some android loving apps!

  • Wishing for an Android version, with it's great  advantage that would be USB serial interface support.

    We've been "wishing" here a long time, and getting spammed by updates.

    Could you please start a new thread, with news about the project, rather than a question that generates 1000 obvious answers ? :)

  • Just found this site and your work. I am very interested in the iPhone/iPad application. Thanks for all your hard work. Count me in.
  • Sounds awesome.  I have an iPhone 4 and iPad 2, and a 3dr quad with 3dr radio telemetry link.  Would love to help test :)

  • Moderator

    A vote for Android & will take a cable too when available

  • YOu can definitely count me in for one. I would use it with an iPad.

  • Nice, I tried serial interface through ssh and Minicom on a jailbroken iPhone once (to have one phone in the plane and one on the ground). 

    It worked a bit, but 3G lag was immense.

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