I have APM 2.5, Arducopter 2.9.1 and MP 1.2.38, a quadcopter kit.
I've been trying for 2 months to get my motors to arm. I perform the arming sequence as per the instructions (which I think might be outdated because they don't work), and nothing predicatable happens:
1- Without any power to the APM
2- transmitter is powered on and throttle increased to full
3- APM is powered on, ESCs beep once.
4- APM is disconnected from the battery
5- APM is repowered, beeps once
6- throttle on transmitter is lowered to zero, ESCs beep once.
7- motors respond to throttle correctly, so far so good...
8- throttle is at zero, yaw all the way to the right for 4 seconds
9- APM LEDs haven't changed their flashing sequence this whole time: solid blue, flashing red, rapidly flashing Tx/Rx.
10- APM is powered down, transmitter switched off. Transmitter repowered, APM repowered, but no motor response. Do I have to callibrate the ESCs every time I want to fly?
Seems like a simple problem brought about by contradictory and confounding documentation. Occasionally, the above procedure will yield no results (no motor response), but sometimes it WILL do something, yet other times the ESCs will beep twice with my throttle at full, then I'll drop the throttle to zero, the ESCs beep once, then the motors will respond to my transmitter! If it beeps twice, that means there's an error...? I cannot make heads or tails of it.
The LEDs are supposed to change flashing pattern durring the callibration, right? Arducopter's documentation has changed so many times, and I can't find the current version explaining what the flashing LEDs mean...
I'm at my wits end. PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong. 3DR customer service simply shrugs and throws more outdated documentation at me... Everything has gone so smoothly until now...
Dear i am having the same problem red led continously blinking . i am trying to arm using throttle down and than bottom right but its not working red led wont solid.. ia m using turnigy transmitter APM 2.8 simonk 30A EsC BEC.plzz help me tell me that my transmitter pattern (throttle down and right) is correct or there is other patteren toa rm mottors /... i recently i calibrated my esc togather and it was working perfectly
i saw that on another post i was reading about 5 seconds before you posted ./...thanks for the response chris...im trying to flood my memory with as many problems and fixes as possible so if i come across the same thing during my build..ill knoiw what to do
i thought for arming its supposed to be to the right for 4 seconds...disarm is left for 4 seconds....why is it reversed
is it different for different firmware versions..
I'm having this issue too.
Tx,Rx setup correctly.
ESC calibration went alright.
Could move throttle to control motor speeds.
unplugged the battery
plugged it back
pushed rudd left/low throttle for 4 seconds
tried increasing throttle.. nothing..
pushed rudd right/low throttle for 4 sec. ..
tried increasing throttle... nothing
what now?
Righto! Human error is the cause of many screw ups. Thank you Mr. Anderson!
Hi Dave,
I think you're referring to the ESC calibration, not the arming. These are the instructions in the manual, which I've just tried again to confirm that they're accurate. (I'm not quite sure what outdated or changed documentation you're referring to; do you have a link?):
If that's not working for you, I think there are two possible explanations:
1) Your throttle is reversed on your transmitter
2) Due to a failed attempt, your APM is stuck in calibration mode. You need to reset/erase the board. Go into the CLI and enter Setup/Erase, then Setup/Reset. Then go through the Mission Planner configuration process again. Make sure that the green bar for the throttle channel goes up when you push your throttle stick up (if it doesn't, reverse that channel at your RC transmitter)
Please let me know if that sorts it out.