I'm interested in comparing different open source autopilots such as the APM 2.5, the PX4 or any of the Paparazzis. Has anyone already done a similar comparison? Where's the best place for hardware technical information for APM 2.5 or PX4? (for example the actual gyro or accel sensitivities as configured on the APM--I see from the MPU-6000 datasheet it has several user selectable sensitivies, but which one is the APM 2.5 configured to use or can we still select it?)
Hello DIY Drones community! I am also interested in hearing experiences with APM 2.5, PX4 and the Paparazzi system. Has anyone tried multiple systems? Did one work better than the other for small fixed-wing UAVs?
Howdy Jason,
The best place to look for system configuration information is in the APM source code. The configuration register settings for the MPU6000 are in the AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000 class; if you cross-reference the register settings with the MPU-6000 register definitions in the datasheet you should be able to find what you're looking for.
Hi, it would also be interesting to have some comparison also with the UAV Devboard, as it seems like a potential candidate as well... I'd be curious to have opinions on these boards as well. cheers