Change telemetry frequency

does anyone know if it is possible to change the telemetry receiver frequency from 433mhz to 915 mhz ?

Reason is that i bought a second telemetry kit for a new plane but the site only had 433 mhz and it would be useful if all my equipment was on the same frequency.

Attached are both settings - seems like i could try typing in the 915mhz settings into the 433 but i dont want to Brick it or somehow find out later that range is severely reduced.


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  • 100KM

    I don't think it's worth while - you'll have to change too many electronics in order to. Cheaper and quicker to find someone that sells the right frequency.

    • Ok thanks, i wasn't sure if it was just firmware config or also an actual hardware difference.

    • Is 915mhz legal in Ireland ? I am surprised.

  • No, the difference is in LC elements in HM-TRP module.

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