Hi all ,
I need to hack Camera go pro to control throw pixhawk
I remove the power switch cover of the camera and connect it with two wires ( when connect them together ) for 3 second the camera ON when do it again the camera of .
Now Can I connect them to a relay ? and directly to pixhawk like the picture below ?
hope any one tell me , well it work ? I don't want to damage the camera .
I hope my way is right ,
if so I will add another relay for start/stop recording ..
Very good
I have to do two separate function
1- power on camera
2- start record ,
I will use two switches as shown in replays .
Now one step done with trigger ,with RC5
How can I assign the second function ?
How to do another output throw the RC7 , sines trigger is already in use ?
mike de leon said:
yes my friendyou can manual assign do_trigger or let mp do it, its much easier, go to ardupilot and check out mission planner, creating mission, read through it, mp creates a survey grid and assign wp for triggering the camera, makes our job easier, tnx to the devteam
I used rc5 as camera trigger and test it from the plane page I works fine , ( I will use this for shatter )
Now I need to Do that command throw waypoint command
Second I need another way to output another signal for powerOn the camera also doing that using waypoint command,
thanks for useful information , I think i am in the last step
mike de leon said:
this relay now not for shutter it's for power the camera on ,
I will duplicate with another relay for camera shutter ,
using camera trigger will out the needed signal ?
Do you mean I don't have to plane it with mission command ?
wire to power button, afaik there is a 3pin inside the gopro that you to get wired for your shutter to work. goodluck
no actually I expect output as do set servo command !!
mike de leon said:
thanks all for helping with good information
I just get rcexl opto gas engine kill switch v2.0
which use for cut off the engine pdf manual
I use it with the receiver X8R and connect it to relay (Meisei m4-5h) and it works fine and the relay work fine .
as shown in the pic
using command Do_Set_Servo as first wp and give it the number of servo which is 5 and the PWM value 1900us
change the mode to auto but it dosen't work
even I get in the flight data / Quick
RC5in =1900
RC5out = 1900
but seems there is not signal arrive to switch !!
How to do it ?
How to get the ch5 out the require PWM using mission command ?
How to get the ch5 out the require PWM using mavlink Servo ?
Hope I can get help .
Try the IC that is made for this. The "CD4066" is a "CMOS QUAD BILATERAL SWITCH".
You can get 5 for 1USD on Ebay.
Read the datasheet: https://www.fairchildsemi.com/datasheets/CD/CD4066BC.pdf