Hello! I am rebuilding an old APMBoat from a few years ago, and at the time was unable to find a way to get the boat to hold position. When it reached the final waypoint, it would just stop and float with the current/wind. The only thing I was able to do is have it change speed and repeat a pattern with the DO_JUMP command very slowly. 

But that wastes power - is there a way to get it to return to a location if it drifts a set distance away? 

I was thinking I would use a geofence, but it looks like that capability is not implemented iwth APMRover. 

Any workarounds, suggestions? 


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  • Yes, but not applicable for the rover.

    David Boulanger said:

    So a Loiter " flight mode " does not exist yet?

  • So a Loiter " flight mode " does not exist yet?

  • Hi,

    You can program it just into a mission, not with the remote switch mode.

    Select the WP target where you want to do the loiter and choose the correct loiter mode "loiter time" or "loiter unlimited"

    If you choose "loiter time", you need to write the duration (in second) in the column on the right.

    The loiter radius is the same of the classical WP radius.

  • It's a mode of operation just like Manual, Learning, Steering etc.  Or I would assume it can be programmed into a mission on Mission Planner.  Try Ardupilot.org.

    ArduPilot Open Source Autopilot
    The most advanced open source autopilot for use by both professionals and hobbyist. Supports multi-copters, planes, rovers, boats, helicopters, ante…
  • David, is any documentation available for this function?

    I will need a loiter funtion too...


    David Boulanger said:

    The latest Rover code supports this.  I'm still using 3.0 because it suits me just fine.  Latest code I believe you set a Loiter radius around a waypoint and if the "vehicle" leaves this radius it will go back to the Waypoint.  So there may be a Waypoint Radius to say I have reached the Waypoint and then a Loiter radius around that.  Not 100% sure as I have not used it.

  • The latest Rover code supports this.  I'm still using 3.0 because it suits me just fine.  Latest code I believe you set a Loiter radius around a waypoint and if the "vehicle" leaves this radius it will go back to the Waypoint.  So there may be a Waypoint Radius to say I have reached the Waypoint and then a Loiter radius around that.  Not 100% sure as I have not used it.

  • David, thanks for the reply. We will start off with the loiter function and see how small of a radius we can set it at. Who knows, it might just work like that!

  • Also, if your mark is round its behavior in the wind and waves will be totally different than a boat as shown in the video.  Try Ardupilot.org and post on the forum.


    ArduPilot Open Source Autopilot
    The most advanced open source autopilot for use by both professionals and hobbyist. Supports multi-copters, planes, rovers, boats, helicopters, ante…
  • There is a Loiter function now.  I have not used it yet.  I guess it depends on how much your mark is allowed to move to achieve the purpose of it.

  • Hello everyone

    I have read through the thread as we are interested in building a robotic mark that has to hold position. It will have a two engine set-up with skid steering. Equiped with Pixhawk and Ublox GPS, so plenty of sensors!

    Unfortunately it seems like the Dynamic Positioning for ArduPilot has yet to be invented, so we are a bit at a road block.

    What is impressive is that simple trolling motors have an "anchor" mode based solely on GPS and it works pretty well. See video here:


    Any new information or ideas on how to develop this is highly appreciated. Thanks, chris

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