Dedicated to developing hardware and firmware for autonomous aquatic vehicles.
New to boats looking for a hull suggestion
Hello allI have played around with fixed-wing drones before but am new to boats. I am looking to build a simple boat for the purpose of inspecting a heavily timbered section of river that it is hard to get a manned boat into and am looking for some suggestions on where to start. I don't need a sounder or overly accurate GPS (but both would be good to have). I would really like a high-resolution camera in a dome housing or similar that I could control and take photos with. I would also like a…
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Has anyone set one up on a full size boat? Thinking of retrofitting a 17' whaler
This User Group is for submersibles as well as surface vessels.
I have a SRV-II R/C submarine and I plan to build an ROV when the thrusters become available.
TCIII ArduBoat Developer
Welcome aboard to our newest members.
Please feel free to start project or other relevant hardware or software discussions, like I have done, in the User Group Discussion Forum.
TCIII ArduBoat Developer
Hi Carl,
Welcome aboard.
You might want to transfer your blog to our Discussion Forum as you continue on your project.
TCIII ArduBoat Developer
Great :)
I will update my blog with the latest udates soon. I just have a few issues wich TCIII have stared helping me with on ardupilot forum.
Hi guys,
i would vote for using the boat group for all vehicles in water for now.
Welcome aboard, nice to have your excellent project in our User Group.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could make your Comment Wall post a project in the ArduBoat Discussion Forum above. That way it will not disappear off of the Comment Wall as the Comment Wall moves downward and will be available for members to view and discuss your project.
TCIII ArduBoat Developer
Hello Tom and all,
This group is an excellent idea! I look forward to being part of it. As part of our thruster development at BlueRobotics, we've been building a few APM-powered vehicles.
The first is a solar powered surfboard. It has two thrusters for skid steering, 120W solar panel, APM, and satellite radio. Our end goal is to send it from Los Angeles to Hawaii. We've done a few autonomous tests with great success. Check it out here:
We also built an ROV. It has six thrusters, giving it six-degree-of-freedom control so that you can position it however you want. The APM is awesome for this because it has the IMU and outputs for lots of motors.
- Rusty
Hi Linus,
Welcome "aboard" so to speak:-) Nice to have a variety of surface craft projects for members to view, learn from, and contribute to.
Should we also include submersibles (ROV/Submarines) in ArduBoat?
TCIII ArduBoat Developer
Hi Guys,
nice that we have a Group for Boats as well now :)
Thanks Tom for creating this.
My plan is to get started with a Swamp Dawg (AirBoat) from HK that i bought a while back.
It is more or less a boat/plane configuration with pusher prop in the back and rudder to steer / direct the air flow.
I am waiting for a APC prop and collar to replace the original one that is not very in balance and ofcourse some time to get it tuned.
Cant wait to see the first autonomous boat mission here :)