I thought the flights I was doing where AT LEAST up to 40 mph (about 60 kph), but MP says 25 in the logs (spd). Just don't ask 25 what, 'cause I honestly do not know! I am SURE it was more than 25 kph! So, just how fast can you fly a Y6? I was in drift mode, by the way... I guess that limits it somewhat (although to be honest, it did not seem so!)
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I wonder if in follow mw mode the Y6 will go that fast?
I think you'll find that's m/s (metres per second) which is just shy of 60mph..
OK, in that case, I was about right... I told my wife 80 Kph, and 25 m&s is actually 90 Kph! I guess that-s more than fast enough!