Well, the last weeks I was trying to assemble a 3D Robotics Y6, I could do it, I had to downgrade the APM to 2.9 because the I2C voltage was 5.0 volts and MP showed the message: Bad Gyro Health, but when I arm the motors they didn't work fine.
I'm not really sure if is something about the RC, it showed the Acro mode, I don't know how to change to Stabilize, I configured the flight modes. I checked and performed the ESCs calibration and the mandatory hardware configuration. I'm using the old Y6 propellers and motors configuration:
Top motors with 10 in propellers: SFP for clockwise rotation and SF for counterclockwise.
Bottom motors with 11 in propellers: SFP for clockwise rotation and SF for counterclockwise.
The writing on propellers faces to the sky.
The video show the problem.
Thanks in advance.
The typical Y6B setup is 10x4.7's all around. 3 pushers (SFP) on top and 3 pullers (SF) on the bottom.
Can I change them for 10 x 3.8's ?
Thanks in advance.
You can change them to anything you want. The question is why you would want to. :)
The other questions are, how it will affect your power for hovering, your max flight speed, power consumption, can your ESC's handle the power consumption, battery life, etc.
What is attractive to you about the 3.8's?
I couldn't find 10 x 4.7 propellers on my country ? Just was a question. Now I found them.
Have you assembled a Y6 B or other copter ? If yes, did you have a Pixhawk or APM on your shipping ?
This problem is happening, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cUHjacWVu8
I got APM 2.6. I'm going to try what you recommended me.
Thanks in advance.
I got the Spektrum DX8 Controller. I've put the battery on different places but I still can't fly it well.
How can I calibrate the voltage ?
I just have two flight modes available, I configured both as Stabilize.
What Haygood said first. Also, did you calibrate the MP reported voltage using a volt meter?
Mine did the same thing in your video. Did you balance the copter's CG? It doesn't have to be perfect, but not so far off that the copter will jump out and roll over. I don't really see what your copter doing is that unusual. Mine also rolled to the right as well, so in your case it looks like you only need to move the battery back a bit to keep it from pitching forward.
I understand your problem not knowing how to get different flight modes to work. Post what radio you have and I may be able to help because that was a problem for me too.
Save yourself some agony and frustration and get the flight modes working first and have Loiter ready to switch on after lift off, or you can take off in Loiter mode, but not sure I'd do that until it lifts straight in Stabilize mode. Don't expect to lift up straight until you tune it. I broke 3 masts and several props before figuring that out......noob mistakes.
What tx (radio) are you using?
OK, I can see the video now. It could be the sort of thing that will tune itself out once you get it flying. Obviously the trick is to get it flying. I'm assuming you had the right control stick centered during that. If you pull the right stick all the way back, does that keep it level? If you move the stick left and right with the props spinning as shown in the video, can you lift the left and then right front legs? That might help narrow down the problem.