



San Luis Potosi

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I'm new in UAVs but I wish I could learn much about that.


San Luis Potosi

Activity Feed

Micke Ramírez posted a discussion
Hello everyone, I've been working with a new-brand CC3D with Open Pilot. Actually, I've followed the steps shown in the official page of Open Pilot, I've calibrated ESCs, RC, and so on. Here are the setups and a video about the problem. I've checked…
Jan 14, 2016
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion 3DR Y6 Crash in Spanish arducopter Users
"Estan adjutos arriba.
Cuando hice el replay de los logs se perdia la orientación, pero no me explico si fue debido a una falla directa de hardware u otro factor.

May 20, 2015
Micke Ramírez posted a discussion in Arducopter Y6 Owners
Hi everybody, well,today I was working with Mission Planner, First I set a single mission and all was OK, then I decided to set a second mission, all was going fine, but suddenly the drone began to fall down and crash against the ground. I don't…
Feb 9, 2015
Micke Ramírez posted a discussion in Spanish arducopter Users
Buenas tardes, el día de hoy me encontraba realizando misiones de vuelo con Mission Planner, realize una misión y todo salió perfecto, después realize otra, todo iba bien, hasta que de repente el drone comenzo a caer y se estrello contra el piso. El…
Feb 9, 2015
Micke Ramírez posted a discussion in Spanish arducopter Users
Well, a few days ago I installed SITL on my Ubuntu computer with this tutorial http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/setting-up-sitl-on-linux, all was OK but when I tried to run a mission, the copter starts to fly and so on, but there is a moment when the…
Aug 14, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion APM/Pixhawk Autonomos in Spanish arducopter Users
"Que tal Cipriano,

Si entendi bien te refires a como obtendras los datos para procesarlos ?
Si es eso puedes utilizar Mavprovy (que utiliza mavlink), puedes conectar directamente una tarjeta (Raspberry, Beagle, etc) directamente a tu pixhawk, o…"
Aug 4, 2014
Micke Ramírez posted a discussion in Spanish arducopter Users
Buenas tardes, actualmente estoy trabajando con APM/Pixhawk, lo que busco realizar es mediante una RaspberryPi o cualquier otra tarjeta similar, hacer que un drone navege de manera autonoma, por lo que he investigado, APM/Pixhawk son compatibles con…
Aug 3, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners

How can I configure the trim settings on the fly ? I'm not really sure how to do it.
If I'm not bad, when I moved the right stick to the right and left, the legs lift, but I don't remember If when I put the right stick all the way back the…"
Jul 14, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners

I've configured the PWM values, but I just have two flight modes available, the first one and the last one.

This morning I got a problem with the quadcopter, I move the sticks, but when I put them back again, the motors were still working, and…"
Jul 14, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners

I got the Spektrum DX8 Controller. I've put the battery on different places but I still can't fly it well.
How can I calibrate the voltage ?
I just have two flight modes available, I configured both as Stabilize."
Jul 14, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners
"I couldn't find 10 x 4.7 propellers on my country ? Just was a question. Now I found them.
Have you assembled a Y6 B or other copter ? If yes, did you have a Pixhawk or APM on your shipping ?
This problem is happening,…"
Jul 11, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners
"Can I change them for 10 x 3.8's ?
Thanks in advance."
Jul 11, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners

It would be OK If I changed the propellers for 10 x 3.8 on top motors SFP and 11 x 3.8 SF on bottom motors, I'm going to change to Y6 B configuration.
Is the size right?

Thanks in advance."
Jul 10, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion (Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble in Arducopter Y6 Owners
"Mission planner said Bad Gyro Health:
I'm going to check about the RC calibration to see if I can fix it. So, I'm going to set all the modes to Stabilize to check if the drone can fly well.
The issue about Gryo was fixed with APM 2.9 , the new…"
Jul 9, 2014
Micke Ramírez posted a discussion in Arducopter Y6 Owners
Well, the last weeks I was trying to assemble a 3D Robotics Y6, I could do it, I had to downgrade the APM to 2.9 because the I2C voltage was 5.0 volts and MP showed the message: Bad Gyro Health, but when I arm the motors they didn't work fine.I'm…
Jul 9, 2014
Micke Ramírez replied to Micke Ramírez's discussion Newbie Y6 (Assemble) in Arducopter Y6 Owners
"Hi nick,
I've tried to arm, but I couldn't do that, I think 'it's a hardware problem, but I'm not really sure.
When I did the calibration all was fine, but when I tried to arm I couldn't do it. So I'm guessing it could be a bad wire or something…"
Jul 8, 2014