Hey everyone,

I got the Hexa-c RTF from 3drobotics.com

have, APM2.5,loaded with 2.9.1b FW,  taoglas GPS unit, and all the regular stuff.

I was setting it up following the first steps guide. and couldn't do Radio calib in GUI, the accel calib, compass calib, can't get GPS lock.

So jumped ahead to ESC calib, and that went well. (noticed that the arming LED (Red led should be blinking when it's disarmed) isn't lit. There are no LEDs lit up on the APMafter ESC calib completed [The LEDs work normally during the ESC calibration though]. Went through troubleshooting for motor arming. nothing worked. some1 suggested the motors don't arm without GPS lock.

So connected to CLI,it says,

free RAM 1813,

FW ver 120

3No Dataflash inserted3COMPASS INIT ERROR

Ran the following tests in CLI

altitude   ------------> hangs

gps  -------------->hangs

compass  ----------------> not healthy

ins  ------------------> prints "Init Gyro" then hangs

logging -----------> Err: No dataflash inserted.

eedump (picture attached)

3691038686?profile=originalall the rows after 00d0 upto 0ff0 were 0.

only got values in the first 14 rows everything else, upto row 0ff0 was all 0's.

Read around about the error COMPASS INIT ERROR



checked the voltage across my U3. 4.96V across input(3 pin side), 0.96V across output(2-pin side)

I don't have the MPU6000 error.


1 Can some1 tell me exactly what this means?

2 Is there a way to arm the motors even with all these issues?

3 If i get a replacement TPS79133,or an AMS 1117 -3.3V and solder it onto the board, is the warranty void? (pretty sure it is, but still asking)

4 I'm assuming that this will make the APM send out seemingly random commands when i take off in stabilize mode, because it won't know what the real level is. So, is there a way to bypass these on board sensors, and just make the damn thing takeoff?

5 is there any other way to fix the issue other than what i put up in Q 3?

Note: for now all i'm looking for, is to make the copter takeoff for 5 minutes.

I can work on the core problems of stabilization in wind, autonomous navigation etc, later.

Please don't post a reply saying contact 3DR help, have already done that, they'll get back to me in 3 days.. (*rolling eyes)

Thanks  in advance everyone.

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  • Additional info:

    When trying live compass calibration, on MP GUI,

    I move the APM around fr 60 seconds.

    in the end get a message, not enough data in the logs.

    Tried accel calib in MP GUI, hangs after saying "Place APM level and press any key"

    tried accel calib in setup/level , hangs after Init Gyro

  • I had a similar issue when I built up my first HEX using the 2.5.  I wound up removing the 2.5 from my frame and connecting to the computer without anything else around, or attached, to see if it was electromagnetic interference.  Turns out it was partly that, and it was partly the type of cable I was using to connect to the computer.  Not all USB cables are created equal it turns out.  Some are designed only for charging and some have rather poor shielding.

    I tracked down a shielded cable and tested again and all was fine.

    I have also had issues with a GPS unit that was flaking out after being damaged in a cash.  There is an option in mission planner (I am not at home right now and don't have it in front of me to tell you exactly where) and when I turned off the option I was able to calibrate and fly no problem.

    Hopefully this helps point you in a direction to fix your issue.

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