PLEASE - Can someone with similar configuration please email me a Spektrum DX8 configuration file so I can get back on track with my ArduCopter build? I would especially be interested in settings for beginners where the throttle, yaw and pitch sensitivity is toned down?
hi, I had a similar problem. See bad luck in the past. Started with a phantom 2 that flew away after I purchased gimbal, hero 3+ black edition, 1000 mw video transmitter and it flew away from me on first flight. So now I have a lot of faith on a 2014 quad that I bought from 3dr on their sale thing. And all I have been missing now is to arm it, and figure out the dx8 settings. I have a ppm with the a r8000 of course, it really says nowhere how to arm it. With phantom it was both sticks to middle. I tried to upload the SPM file you have ached with no luck. I am going to set everything manually. Ordered a 3dr aero, and hope it is not too much to learn, it really felt dumb to have a first flight with something you put so much effort into, but this time I have gps tracker, and almost thought about a little string like a balloon, but maybe keeping it low and within the soccer field will be fine. THANK YOU for uploading file and responding with your advice, I get an error message saying MAC indentation error. Again thank you very much...
so sorry just found how to arm, I'm getting the hang of it, not as hard as it seemed at the time, I was spreading myself too thin, with other stuff going on, multitasking as we all must. I will use my pc for file. Or keep doing radio settings. THANK YOU VERY MUCH...
I have attached my configuration.
Gear + F mode = flight mode
Flap = CH7 on APM used to select simple mode
AIL D/R = reduce pitch roll max (remember to set it to max when calibrating)
RUDD D/R = reduce yaw max (remember to set it to max when calibrating and when arming / disarming)
L Trim = simulate throttle failsafe and used when setting failsafe on AR8000
Note throttle failsafe is ~1005 so I set throttle failsafe to 1025
AUX3 = PID gain
THRO -> 3
ALE -> 1
ELEV -> 2
RUDD -> 4
GEAR -> 5
AUX1 -> 7
AUX2 -> 8
AUX3 -> 6
Remember to set fail safe on receiver!
You want to make sure you set your radio to plane and not helicopter. This is real important with regards to getting your flight modes set. See the link below on how to set flight modes on your DX8.
Hope this helps,