New to this subject in all respects.
I'm looking for some hand holding - This June (6 weeks) I'm doing a Robot Camp at my university for 12-15yo students. Much of the student time will be spent with Lego Mindstorm but I would also like to buy a gps enabled flying? to give students an example of.... gps flying ?
I'm a General Aviation pilot, have my own big aircraft - but no expereance with anything like the current established flying platforms which I now see advertised.
I have about $800 to spend - but little time for debug, programming or basically learning what is needed.
If my Robot Camp is a success I would be writing a grant proposal for $50k - 100k to do something much more interesting - but targeted at school kids to get them interested in Science Technology Engineering Math...(STEM)
If you know of a turn key resource - or would be willing to help me I could offer to write you into the grant? Which is to say If the grant is funded, and things work well, pay for your time would be available.
Humboldt State University
Arcata CA (by Oregon)
Thanks everyone for the comments-
i understand that flying an actual aircraft and flying an unmanned aircraft are two different things. My comment was to suggest that I understand lift weight balance airspeed and a little about gps.... I know NOTHING about the subject of unmanned aircraft. I am seeking help with unmanned aircraft - in a demo environment.
My degrees are in Physics, Electronics, and Mathematics -
The money I have access to is restricted to buying stuff - and can't be used to pay people. If the Robot Camp gets funded next year I will write in some money to pay for demos from people who have developed interesting projects.... but that is next year.
I need some help this year.....
Sounds like your best bet would be to get someone with a working system to come and get involved/demo ?
$800 sounds like it should buy food and a place to sleep for such a person ?
Six weeks is rather a steep hill to climb, to roll your own.........
So you are talking about building a multicopter or a fixed wing?
I would figure that on of these would be the easiest and the best method to show of the technology and get kids interested.
I would lean tword a multicopter in the interest of operational space and cool factor....
If you would like any help on building/ choosing a frame, calculating thrust, choosing props, choosing motors, getting electronics or just simply knowing/ generally building or programming what you need shoot me an email, I would be more than happy to help;
Email me any questions/ PM me on this website, whichever is easier with details;