How do I test the onboard relay with firmware v2.1.0? The relay option is missing from the CLI menu...
I've currently got all my LEDs connect following the instructions on but I cant seem to figure out exactly what I need to do for it to work with v2.1.0.
Any help and guidence will be greatly appreciated...
Hi Ellison,
I'm aware of the software hack, but since u4eake's original blog the firmware has changed a few times and I would like to know how to get it working with the latest. I'm unable to get hold of the ULN chip at the moment so I would only like to make use of the relay as a voltage indicator for now.
My APM updated to v2.2 last night and I noticed that the RELAY option is now available under the TEST section in CLI. :-)
Hmm, no answers yet, eh?
Well, I've never done this, but from u4eake's blog, it requires a software hack.
He also updated the hack, in the following new blog, which he updated in his original blog: