
  • I believe you might try insuring that the copter is not moving at all when you hit the record key in each of the required positions.  For the level first step I use a bubble level that sits upon the APM and I shim under the copter gear till the bubble is centered.  The result is an attitude indicator that is perfect when the APM is level. 

  • T3
    You can also try the level command from within the CLI. Go to setup, then level. Make sure the copter is level before running the command.
  • Thanks a lot. I'll try to follow the instructions from the video tomorrow. If it works well, I'll record a video and upload it to show you if all is correct.

    Thanks again!

  • by the look on your tuning section theres alot of movement the sensors are picking up

    - check to make sure the craft and board are level (with each other too)

    - get the craft as level as possible (u could use a level to check what its sitting on if needed)

    - make sure there is no movement at all until calibration and startup procedures are complete

    - try a recalibration again without movement


    For a better screenshot next time (if you want)

    Hold down FN (function) and Home/(Print screen)

    open up by selecting Start > Run > type "mspaint" > Ok

    then click the paste button (clipboard icon inside mspaint)

    you can then select the area you want (select tool), the right click inside that selection and select "crop" to keep only what you surrounded

    then save as the file of your choice

  • Developer

    see for instructions on how to level, there is also a video

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