Unable to pass the preflight test for Quad

I have narrowed down the issue to the pre-flight test. I'm currently using APM 2.5 with firmware V2.7.3


  • By hand, roll the ArduCopter to the left. The left motor command should increase. The right motor command should decrease.


  • Using the transmitter, move the roll stick to the left. The right motor command should increase. The left motor command should decrease.

Both of these test failed. The motors are only able to throttle up in sync and nothing else other than that.

I thought it was connection issues, but couldn't managed to detect any.

The following are pictures of the setup:



I believe things will get much better when i am able to pass the pre-flight test.

Any advice on what could be the issue?



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  • Chris,
    do a full reset and erase of the apm using the terminal. Then calibrate your radio and make sure your esc's are calibrated, too. If you want to use esc calibration trough apm, make sure no props are attached.
  • Developer

    I have seen similars few times. Usually it helps if you upload software again and/or do level calibration. As there might be something broken on firmware or settings. Upload software again, full reset for it and then calibrations.

  • Developer

    maybe try resetting your eeprom?  connect with MP's terminal screen or arduino ide's serial monitor screen....maybe press enter 3 times to get to the prompt...then type "setup" and "reset" and "Y" and then reboot your apm.

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