Hi everyone,
I need your help for my order from 3DR store.
I have ordered IRIS+ back in 19 May 2015.
It has passed for about a month now but it didn't even start to ship.
If I see the tracking information that they have given me, it just says "Label created".
When I called FedEx they said that they haven't received the package.
So I have created couple of tickets in 3DR site, and sent several emails complaining
about the delayed shipment, but they are not answering.
Anyone had similar experience?
If you did, how or to whom did you contact to solve the issue?
Thank you, did so.
Meeee toooo received a message today giving me the same tracking number to the parts ordered. Funny thing is I received the same info a week and a half ago from another service rep from 3dr...
Hi Gregg,
That's odd. Please send me an email at vu@3dr.com with your order number. I'll follow up with our fulfillment team and get back to you. We should've sent that out a while ago.
Vu ,I did not get a response from your email yesterday asking me what I would prefer getting? I emaild you stating what I wanted, than got an 3DR emailing saying that a usd?refurbished tx was being sent out? I do not understand what is going on?
My apologies for the mixup on our end. I think the email(s) I just sent you will clear everything up. Just a short lag in communications. Let me know if I can help in any other way. :)
Part of the process Gregg.... I've got one of those too.
Definitely not part of the process. Please send me an email at vu@3dr.com with your order number. I'll follow up with our fulfillment team and get back to you.
Vu -
Only commenting that one gets a ticket before the material is loaded onto the FedEx truck and into their system.
Y'all are doing ok... not taking any shots. Glad you are working this forum and doing some CRM.
Hey send Chris Anderson a message..he is the 3DR CEO that is here on DIY Drones. I have spoke with him a couple times and just sent him an email on poor service.
CEO's are busy folk. Customer Relationship Mgt would be the function needed when they have so much going on.
Hire a few seasoned aerospace folk who know how to support a product, treat the 3DR flying products like a professional aircraft, and get on with business.
Seems to me they have the right Manufacturing/distribution setup in San Diego, but its time to look into hiring aerospace professionals.... some of their folk are on a step learning curve. They are strained like a crazy IT startup..... and making honest mistakes.
Marketing: there is more entrepreneurial know-how and "players" in Houston where there are huge potential industrial customers (energy... pipelines.... offshore...etc) than in Austin. Austin is IT. Houston is money and MARKET.... and good sales guys.
Lastly.... move the HQ to Long Beach (Boeing country) or Fort Worth (Lockheed Marti, Raytheon and L3 country) so you can tap into talent just looking for an opportunity to leap into the newest aerospace field... commercial UAVs.
So this is the kind of free advice I reckon 3DR is getting daily..... but this is what I do... business development. (why Texas? TAX BREAKS...nuf said?)