Configure Remote with Iris+?

I have a spare Iris+ remote (radio) and Telemetry because One of my Iris+ flew away and I got another new one. I would like to setup radio of old Iris+ to work with new one as a backup. How can I setup/configure old radio with new Iris?


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  • 3D Robotics

    Hi Taj,  Unfortunately, what you're trying to do cannot be done.  The transmitter and receiver are paired to each other.  There is no threeway available.

    • So if I lose or break my current transmitter, will I be able to use old one and pair it?

    • yes only one can be used at a time .

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    • Thanks. Can you please provide link to procedure for binding?

    • you can not bind 2 radios to one receiver sorry!!!!

      so what your trying to do will not work !

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