
I have noticed upon touchdown of the craft I hear to a greater or lesser degree a revving up of the

motors before idling down.  I have gone to minimum throttle at 6" above ground and this still occurs.

I had a flipover recently due to this plus some light wind.  I have been told to recalibrate the ESC

but I have heard this momentary rev up since then.  Sometimes it is barely noticeable and some-

times it is very noticeable.  Another problem I have had recently is for the craft to switch to the

LAND mode on its own.  One time I noted the battery at 50% and another time at 30%.  Since

then at normal, below 20%.  Any comments along these lines would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading and HAPPY FLYING.

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  • I noticed the rev up on landing when doing a disarm as well.
    I though it was due to landing in the grass and having a foot dig in.
    The attitude control would then try to compensate and with the foot sticking
    Causing a rev up as an attempt to level the "angry bee"

    So maybe it is not the planting in the grass.
    I was landing slow and near the ground would encounter a slight drift so I went to a little faster landing. Maybe better, about 10 tries to see what happens, not sure, but any horizontal motion in grass does result in a tip.

    I did almost flip once and now wonder why as it stands up my neck hairs when it happens.

    I have also had the land mode switch on with all good....battery, RSSI, distance etc.
    So I practice going to alt hold then try loiter till i get it together.

    Need to look at the Telemetry closely for this one.

    My first ever flights were above a solid surface and I landed, went to minimum throttle let it spin
    down and did not notice the rev up when doing a disarm.

    Hope to find out what is happening
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    • I've had the most success appending take-off and landing waypoints when send mission file. I find it shuts right down on landing when I use that scenario. It took me a while to learn you can still guide and control the Iris while in Auto with your standard controller. Usually I will make minor adjustments to my landing spot. I've had a few instances where someone unknowingly walked under the landing and I flipped the RTL switch. It climbs again then lands. 

  • I have found that after autonomous missions that it winds down nicely if I leave it in "auto" mode. I stick dwn/left and it switches off. I find that if I switch to standard mode I experience the revving. Just my experience...

    • Wow, I don't understand, how I could missed that. It is exactly as you say.

      So far I had three flipovers, everytime with broken props and it was everytime after landing in stabilize mode after auto mission.

      How did you solve it? Are you putting land as part of mission? Or is it, for example, possible to switch to stabilize after mission and then land by RTL?

      Thanks, Tomas

  • I'm having the same issue. When it touches down I even try to disarm and it still revs uncontrollably. I've even had it lurch forward like it was going to take off again. Ive calibrated the esc's numerous times and it doesn't seem to help. I'm beginning to think it the radio.

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