Hey everyone this is a short intro on a project
I've been working on for the past month or so.
Canon S100 - 3D Printed Mount
Based on a craigslist ad, I found a reliable,
honest, and skilled individual with experience in
auto cad and a 3D printer.
Ryan, the guy who designed the mount, was
meticulous about measurements and got straight
to work from my quick pencil sketch. His attention to
detail paid off because on the first flight with the mount
the center of gravity was dead on.
The Canon S100 with battery and SD card, 3D mount and
necessary hardware all comes in at 245g.
DIY Iris+ tall legs
For the tall legs I took inspiration from Iris+, but made
it my own by sourcing the hardware and carbon fiber rod
from the local hobby shop.
A $10 investment in parts, and a quick 30min garage sesh
turned 4 stock short legs into tall legs. Total weight for all 4 legs is
36g. That's 11g less than the new Iris+ legs.
Next steps
1. Put together the cable based on flight riot's tutorial for triggering camera.
2. Call 3DR verify whether Iris+ arms can accommodate 11" props.
3. Set up & install CHDK firmware hack with necessary scripts.
4. Finalize pre-flight checklist
5. Test the finalized bird w/ camera in manual flight and evaluate for optimum mission duration.
6. Research & design first mission, test run with camera.
7. Evaluate imagery & refine post-production workflow.
you will laugh...
this is my high tech photogrammetry support !
I don't know for Marco's cable, I get the 018MU gentWIRE-FOCUS from gentles. Damned expensive but working so well. I learned with drone to spend money to earn some time.
Hi Oscar, after your email I popped over to your page to check out your customized camera gimbal - Impressive.
I will be interested in your write up regarding how you build this gimbel.
I originally thought about modifying a Tarot gopro gimbal myself, but it was over the Christmas holiday season and could not import the gimbal from the suppliers to South Africa. So i made an alternative plans and made this simple camera mount - here are same photos of the modified gopro bracket and tripod mount I used on my Iris+ Simple Iris Camera Mount
How is your Pixhawk working with your modified v3 to v5 camera trigger cable?
Jaco at the moment there is not cable.
Let it be known that the Sparkfun board won't work because
3v signal from pixhawk is too weak. I'm going to try Marco's
cable but with US components. I'm curious to know about
Gentles cable that Pascal mentions below.
UPDATE :: Jan 7, 2015
I'll make this brief because I've been putting in too
many 3am nights recently and my immune system is
taking a beating.
I have successfully attached a Canon S100 to the original 3DR Iris and
will move forward with other aspects relating to mapping on the Iris platform.
I'm using off the shelf things with the exception of the 3D printed
camera mount. For now I'm triggering the camera via 2sec delay CHDK script
and processing in Photoshop CS6. This flight was done all in stabilize mode.
In the near future I will post a series of images and captions with links to
the hardware and hopefully connect anyone interested with my 3D printer buddy
who has the design for the mount.
Image quality is great. I would like to see the camera mount and other hardware associated with it.
Nice work. Keep us posted when you have time.
Could you share the camera mount design?
Hey Eric. I don't have access to the design. That is the intellectual property
of the guy who designed it for me. I'm happy to share photos of what it looks like though.
As the mount is shown above, i got severe vibrations down the barrel of the lens.
Not even 1/2000 sec. shutter speed could clear this up. So Christmas night I stayed
up modding the Tarot Gimbal adapter to work with a multi-rotor plate and the
3d printed mount. I'm planning to test next week for vibrations and will report back
with either failed or successful images of how it all looks.
Thanks for the update. I was wondering about the design you shared and possible vibration issues.
3DR has confirmed that the new arms do not accommodate 11" props.
Also the 4-in1 esc in Iris+ is the same as the original Iris. Now I know
for sure that I will not be doing the $200 upgrade.