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  • Developer

    Hi Michael (Oborne)

    Love the current GCS, great job. wish I could have come, just joined the Melbourne group a bit late... :(

    But while we are talking features....

    1. the biggest thing for me would be offline maps, thinking of getting a "surface" (or similar) and it would be great to not need the internet.
    2. on the flight data page... at the moment to set a "fly to" or point camera, you right click and then select what you want.  would it be possible to have buttons up the top that you could select "fly to" or "point camera at" and then left click (or touch) the map to set the point. (mouse free operation on a touch enabled system)
    3. on the X-Plane.....the ability for X-Plane to fly the mission live from the data on the UAV via telemetry.

    Thanks for your work on this, it is a great program


  • Oborne - I haven't got anything useful to add re a simple interface - just haven't done any autonomous work so MP has been simply used as a to set up the board and then fly FPV.

    However, is it possible to add a name to the com port when we connect via 3DR radio (or similar).  The APM name is shown when we connect via USB to the board.  I've learnt the lesson now (Thanks Bask) but the frustration of trying to connect to the wrong com port  (I kept choosing one called Communications or something similar) and nearly had equipment going out the window (un-stabilised).

    Insertion of my own mapping layers .... I haven't looked into Global Mapper - what file types does it require?

    and is this Albany-based fella flying APM?

    Good to meet.


    and has he got a CASA ticket??


  • Distributor

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks again for coming to our meetup (and for allowing yourself to be bombarded with questions :) ).

    I started writing a giant post about the simple mode but I'm now running late and I think it might be better if I send it to you in another discussion thread (its quite big). I will do so today sometime.

    And thanks to everyone else for coming over to have a chat and see our factory. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.


  • Developer

    Thanks guys,

    i do have a q though, if i did a simple interface. What needs to be on it? I have that map only interface already, whats your ideal simple interface?

    Im going to have a look at auto detecting baud rate as well, as it would make it easier and one less setting to worry about, just make the connection process take a little bit longer.

  • On the same note, I must express my gratitude to Micheal for creating a gateway to a potential of infinite possibilities; and great to see all you guys there.

  • I also concur Michael. Great to meet you and thank you for an astonishing piece of software that allows us all to explore the realm of UAV's
  • Moderator

    Oh excellent, thanks Michael! (:  Btw, was great to meet you last night and again, sincerely thanks for developing a fantastic program!

  • Developer

    Guys, overview of all the lines on the mp

  • Hi Guys, it was great to meet you all tonight. See you on the 10th.

  • I'll definitely be there tonight... have organised kid wrangling, so I'm free! Yay. Looking forward to meeting new faces and seeing Bask's facilities.

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Aeronavics (Droidworx) gear

Hi guys,Just a heads up that I have just become a distributor for Aeronavics (ex Droidworx) gear and will be placing an initial order with them next week.For those that may not know, Droidworx create the heavy duty and professional gear that is very well engineered and highly functional.  So if you're looking to move from the kit copter look to something a little more professional, these would be the guys to check out.The quad frame which is compact and suitable for Point and Shoot, GoPro and…

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