I got a brake in the weather so I went out for another test flight....
During the week, I went through the calibration and I did think that all was well from there on but.....
Today, I set it on the lawn... powered it up and waited for the green lights...
I armed the system and stood back, powered up the motors and took off.... if only just off the ground for safety sake...
Apart from 1 motor I think is off par, all seemed to be ok???
Then, I noticed the status light on the Pixhawk was dropping in and out of solid green to yellow, then I got an ascending chime and it went a little crazy!....
At the time it was only inches off the ground when it tried to roll over to the right.... I just killed the throttle and dove in to grab the landing skid....
The status light was flashing YELLOW (RC Failsafe?)....
Not sure what I need to look at now????
I have the log files but I don't know which one to post??? GPX???
Any help???
They are having problems with Pixhawk vering off and crashing, they update the Firmware to , I believe , 3.3 RC5.
There is a Posting here on Diydrones about the problem, but I don't know where.
Had a look at the auto Analysis..... Just not sure what to do with it???
Can anyone advise on this please?
Looking at this, The compass test is ringing alarms to me....
1, I extended the wires going to the GPS/compass as it was shorter than I wanted... I'm not worried about my soldering though... just the fact the wires are longer... by maybe 2"???
2, I also put an LED into the top of the GPS casing.... This LED is a strobe... But then, I'm also thinking that can't be it as it was flying ok...???
I am confused...
Any advice???
Same thing happened on my x8. As soon as I updated my firmware and calibrated everything that could be calibrated, things are fine.
Thanks, I'll go through it all again....
The SD log would be good. It should be a "*.bin" file, not very big since it was such a short flight.
is this it?
2015-06-21 20-10-16.bin