Hello. I'm using a pdb that accept 6S and gives voltage to Pixhawk, current/voltage sensor, 5V and 12V too.
But unfortunately i can't calibrate the voltage readings in mission planner. When i change the voltage appear an invalid number message.
Do you have any idea how i can calibrate it?
Thank you.
What field are you changing?
Measured Battery Voltage... The first field in the Battery Monitor screen.
Isn't it?
That's the correct field. Did you sent the PM type to Other?
PM= Power Monitor, Battery Monitor..
Sorry. Yes. Everytime i enter in the voltage monitor screen the type is set to OTHER.
Most 3rd party power monitor devices are geared towards APM and its 0-5V range. Pixhawk has voltage/current sensing on 3.3V analog inputs.
If your sensor is 30V maximum and you plug a fresh 6S, that's 25.2V and your power monitor will output 4.2V, way above what a PH expects.
Do you have any test data to prove this?
Another question, Does 3DR have separate PMs for the APM and Pixhawk?