Problems, Hints, experience, comments on the new PIXHAWK3689246135?profile=original

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  • hello guys..

    i new in UAV.. 

    i have project to do with pixhawk and pixy camera. can someone teach me how to edit the firmware or how to see all the coding that been upload in my pixhawk..

    hope someone can help me... thank you..

  • nice to you!

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  • Hi all, can someone please help?

    Did my maiden on the Sky Hunter last weekend and although successful (I didn't crash) There are a couple of issues that I need help with.

    1/ EKF Vibe was showing in red at the bottom of the artificial horizon screen.

    2/ error terrain alt variance warning was showing throughout most of the flight.

    I didn't notice these warnings as I was using a tablet with DroidPlanner app.

    I was playing around with the log files to see if I could make sense out of the analysis side of Mission Planner when I came across these issues. The log files in question are attached if someone would be kind enough to have a quick look to see if I should be worried.

    Thanks in advance, I hope someone can help.

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  • i reformatted the SD card to FAT32 .Checked the LOG_BITMASK to default Pixhawk  still not recording any data flash logs anyone have something else i can try ??  can somone tell me what to set the LOG_BACKEND_TYPE to ?

  • @ James does this help? 3702208254?profile=original

  • What is the Max Baud Rate on Pixhawk Serial 4/5 ports.

    I want to setup a Range Finder and it can operate at 921600 baud.

  • Has anyone connected a Lightware  SF30/B 50 meters Range Finder to a Pixhawk ?

    This is instructions for connecting a Lightware SF10 .

  • LOG_BACKEND_TYPE does anyone know what this does and what it should be set to ?  thank you .

  • @DirtCreature,

    nice to know.......where to go (when I run out of 3DR OEM cables :)

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Making a phototransistor cable for Canon S110

I want to make a phototransistor cable for my S110 to attach infront of its red eye LED light and connecting it to pixhawk in order to imporve the geotagging process. But I am fairly new with electronic, wiring and soldering stuff.Thus I need help and guidance on how to properly make one. I want to know is this the right connection for me to make the cable.Any help is really appreciated. Thank you.

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Hexa with Hobbywing X8 motors

Hii am building a hexacopter with1.) hobbywing x8 motors2.) flight controller pixhawk PX53.) battery 12s 22Ah4.) wheel base of around 1800mm5.) estimated weight around 17kg without payloadi am looking if anyone has already tuned this type so i can get a head start. looking forwardthank youMike

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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Flashing in Pixhawk

Hi everyone,Recently I've got my first pixhawk CUAV v5+. I'm amazed to see one thing that through one USB port only we can flash code and read the logging data. To understand how is it working I started looking schematic but didn't understand anything. Can someone please tell how is that working?

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