Problems, Hints, experience, comments on the new PIXHAWK3689246135?profile=original

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  • Can someone help me?

    PIxhawk compatibility with ESCs

    PX4 compatibility with different ESCs
    HI, I have been working on Quadcopter. Unfortunately two of the four ESCs isn't functioning now. I was using the HobbyKing 30A UBEC, LIPO 4S. I wants…
  • Staying at low power, then shooting upward as you pass mid throttle sounds like typical behavior in alt hold mode.   You are requesting higher, and it throttles up suddenly to go from not flying to flying and climbing.  What flight mode were you in?  

  • Your param file does nothing for me.

    What I really need is a detailed step by step description of what you are doing, why you are doing it, what your expectations are, and what are the results.

    Another important piece of information is a detailed parts list including motors, props, ESCs, RADIO GEAR, and any other accessories/devices you may have installed.

    Pictures showing how every thing is connected and a video showing how the aircraft behaves will be extremely helpful.

  • @Clifton:

    The drone is powering up, but not powering down when pulling the radio sticks again, at half trottle, the power of the rpm of the motors is visibly the same, than it shoots up exponentially...

    Am attaching my param file maybe it helps you understand the issues.
    Much appreciated

  • @Nicholas:

    Because no two aircraft are ever exactly alike, the sharing parameters and settings is ill advised.

    What is the nature of your problem?

  • Hi people,

    Anyone capable of sharing a DJI S1000 with pixhawk full parameters list please?
    thanks in advance


  • Hi Pixhawk Fans,

    For all of you interested in the Internet of Drones platform which we are developing, please join to this group
    Among the many benefits provided by the platform some are:

    1. Remote visualization of the drones flights including others than your own

    2. Routes planning and remote control of own drones, from any place where the internet access is available
    3. Evaluates risk assessment for the planned routes

    4. Alerts for the potential colision, drone malfunction, entering restricted space and others

    5. Encrypted connection with the drone (optional for downlink)

    6. Manage your drone(s). In case of larger fleet, the drones can be gouped by purpose

    7. Visualization of the flights history

    8. Data sharing among the drones for the detected objects in airspace

    9 .Displaying dedicated airspace for drones (in later version as this will be specific to countries which currently in most of them is not fixed)

    The first version of the DroneRoute device will support Pixhawk flight controller

    DroneRoute - The Internet of Drones platform
    This group is created for the discussions related to the Internet of Drones platform, which we called DroneRoute
  • I have just acquired an Iris 2, and was wondering what's the latest firmware I can use on this platform, or, can it use all the latest firmware updates? Also what mods are now available for it or should I look into?

  • Most items I'm buying from Hobbyking.They doing well in Europe.

  • Grant:

    I use this site for regular electronic components.  Not for the strictly RC stuff.

    Product Categories - SparkFun Electronics
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Making a phototransistor cable for Canon S110

I want to make a phototransistor cable for my S110 to attach infront of its red eye LED light and connecting it to pixhawk in order to imporve the geotagging process. But I am fairly new with electronic, wiring and soldering stuff.Thus I need help and guidance on how to properly make one. I want to know is this the right connection for me to make the cable.Any help is really appreciated. Thank you.

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Hexa with Hobbywing X8 motors

Hii am building a hexacopter with1.) hobbywing x8 motors2.) flight controller pixhawk PX53.) battery 12s 22Ah4.) wheel base of around 1800mm5.) estimated weight around 17kg without payloadi am looking if anyone has already tuned this type so i can get a head start. looking forwardthank youMike

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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Flashing in Pixhawk

Hi everyone,Recently I've got my first pixhawk CUAV v5+. I'm amazed to see one thing that through one USB port only we can flash code and read the logging data. To understand how is it working I started looking schematic but didn't understand anything. Can someone please tell how is that working?

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