Ken McNamara sent a message inquiring about what GPS to use with your new Pixhawk 2.1: I believe this is a great subject for a new discussion. Right now, I believe there is only the "HERE" GPS that is available as a "plug-and-play" solution for the PH2.1 because of the DF-17 plugs; but I think any U-Blox module will work if you can plug it in or solder your own pigtails. From experience, the Ublox Neo M8N works really good in 'less than perfect' conditions: It got a decent lock INDOORS and acquiring a 'warm fix' took only a few seconds. Here is the module I am talking about:
The 'HERE' modules are awesome but quite big; also they include LED indicators and an arm button.
That build looks good, mine is almost done but I've been working at a new job that's quite involving so I put my hobbies aside. When I come here and see these beautiful projects, I miss my own...

Here's my girl waiting on the bench for some attention, lost in the clutter ;( Notice the HERE GPS embedded in the foamboard
Richard McCarraher said:
I have the "Here" one on my 2.1. I am very impressed with it. I have it on the top of the plane, slightly recessed into the epo.
I gets a lock very quickly, also have other ones (Ublox M8N based). Definately better than the "7's"
Simon L. said:
Simon -
I've finished building and configuring - and this module worked perfectly (so far).
First mistake I made was trying to put DF-17 plugs on - (see my other post) - bad idea.
Best solution was yours, splice the GPS module into the GPS connector supplied with the Pixhawk 2.1
Module gets GPS indoors.
First flight was yesterday - still have some configuration issues, but nothing related to GPS.
Thanks for the original answer!
yah, same here, been super busy in the last months.
Haven't finished this yet. I have the GPS module from bang good - but I have to put a new connector to wire it to the PixHawk2. It's been a really busy summer for a number of reasons - but I'm close to getting around to this.
So did this suit your needs?
Ken McNamara said:
That's a great suggestion. At $20 I'm going to order one. Looks like it takes a while to get here - maybe I'll be ready to work out plugging it in by then.