Is there a document that defines the difference between Pixhawk 2 and Pixhawk 2.1?I'm referring to mechanical and component differences?Maybe more to the point is what problems drove the update to 2.1?Thank you.KenMc
"Simon L. said:
So did this suit your needs?
Simon -
I've finished building and configuring - and this module worked perfectly (so far).
First mistake I made was trying to put DF-17 plugs on - (see my other post) - bad idea.
Best solution…"
"Buy a 3DR Solo - upgrade it with a Pixhawk Greencube. At that point you have a really solid drone with Pixhawk 2.1 controller - without spending a large chunk of change.
It's weight is 1.5kg and estimated flight time is 25 minutes (that's probably…"
"You might be able to find the parts from a different supplier - the first part number is the JST number.
Thanks for the pre-crimped cable suggestion - that is a really good point - I should have caught that when I was searching Digikey - could have…"
"Haven't finished this yet. I have the GPS module from bang good - but I have to put a new connector to wire it to the PixHawk2. It's been a really busy summer for a number of reasons - but I'm close to getting around to this."
"That's a great suggestion. At $20 I'm going to order one. Looks like it takes a while to get here - maybe I'll be ready to work out plugging it in by then."