Group for people working on using the Robot Operating System with DIY Drones UAVs.
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Open Source ROS-Based Drone Payload for Real-Time, In-Flight AI and Computer Vision

I'm leading a project to develop a completely open source system, which runs on ROS, for deploying artificial intelligence and computer vision on a drone. We are trying to make the system as general purpose as possible. We are getting started with a few specific missions, but we are interested in suggestions for additional missions where it might be useful. Let me know what you think?website:

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ROS based drone development made easy with FlytOS

FlytOS is a framework for building high-level drone applications, such as, aerial delivery, precision agriculture, surveys, photography, industrial inspections, disaster management.It is built on ROS (Robot Operating System) and Linux, making it an ideal platform for research and commercial drone applications. It interacts with the drone / autopilot (flight stack) and exposes high level FlytAPIs in ROS, C++, Python, RESTand Websocket. These rich set of APIs allow for easy development of onboard…

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Sending Quads GPS Location over Mavlink?

Hey Everyone,I am working in a research lab that has a full motion-capture system. I was curious if anyone knew a way to send the vehicles GPS location over mavlink through roscopter. I have roscopter working, but instead of using an offboard computer as the pilot, I would like to use the offboard computer as a manager (i.e. instruct the quad to fly to a location, instead of flying it to that location). Flying indoors we have no GPS data, but my offboard computer knows where the quad is with…

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Erle-brain, a Linux autopilot powered by ROS

Hi everyone,I am pleased to announce a Linux autopilot to comes powered by ROS. As shared in the main thread, Erle-brain is sold at 269 € and puts together a BeagleBone Black (rev. C) and the PixHawk Fire Cape in a single package that weights about 75 grams and includes 25+ sensors. The hardware designs are open to anyone that wishes to improve them.The autopilot has a 4 GB eMMC flash memory that comes pre-flashed and provides:Linux 3.8 kernel compiled with the PREEMPT option (best results we…

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