Is Solo open source?

If not,  how does 3DR get around it? Just wondering as there are disturbances in the force claiming 3RD is violating open source licensing by not releasing the Solo code,  or are they? 

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  • There are accusations, being fomented by DJI employees, at RCG that 3DR is violating open source licenses. I think it is disgusting that DJI allows their employees to engage in such activities. It is at minimum slimy business ethics if not bordering on legal grounds for cease and desist.

    I think you need worry a little bit more about the GPL violations the 3DR is breaking than trying to bash the p3

    Not that I'd like to see a flame war as IMO it is bad company policy for employees to engage in such activity, but it may be well and good in this case for someone from 3DR to set the record straight as some may agree these accusations could be construed as libel even if the DJI employees aren't directly making them.

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  • Developer

    I'm not an expert on the Solo but my understanding is that it's a mixed bag with some parts open and some not (or at least not yet).  The modified ardupilot software part is certainly open source (link above from Stone1295) and must always be open forever and ever because of it's GPLv3 license.

    Some of the stuff that's on the two linux boards (one iMX6 in the vehicle, the other in the controller) is open and some is not.

      - the MAVProxy is open (and must always be open 'cuz it's also GPLv3)

      - the sololink communication software is not open but I hear mumurs that it will be opened

      - the video link (maybe considered part of sololink?) uses some 3rd party software that will never be opened sadly

      - the go-pro control can never be opened because of GoPro's licensing.

    There's also an STM32 in the controller that apparently does most of the hardwork on the controller side that that's not open (and may not be opened but who knows).

  • Not an expert on this but this is what 3DR has posted as what they believe to be open-source.

    and this is where they have the software published

    Does that help?


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