Question about camera control without the gimbal. Is it possible to start and stop recording while in flight, to only the SD card in the GoPro?
Do you have to have "record to device camera roll" on to use this option? Assume the video is also captured to the SD card in the GoPro?
Anyone, I hope an easy question. When I hit the record icon within the iOS app, while in flight, there is just a beep, the tone suggests a "negative". No video is captured.
I will call 3DR, however was hoping to find out sooner than later.
Eric, with the Gimbal you will be able to start/stop recording from the solo app as well as switch modes and change settings. the recordings will be saved on the GoPro SD card.
Currently w/out the gimbal, the record button on the solo app only records the video feed to your phone/tablet.
Without gimbal I manually power on GoPro and start recording pre-flight. Then manually stop recording once I have landed. The entire flight is recorded and stored on the SDcard.
Until then, you must manually trigger the camera