Phantom 4 pro or Inspire 1 Pro?

I'm testing an Inspire 1 Pro with x5 camera and 25mm lens (50mm equivalent) for photogrammetry.

It is working fine but due to the 50mm field of view I have to fly at 200m height, and missions take a lot of time. The other lens I have is a 12mm (24mm equivalent) which I guess will introduce too much distortion.

But I have seen som tests done with Phantoms and I'm impressed with the results.

Phantom 4 pro has a 1" sensor and a 20mp camera and almost 30 minutes of autonomy, compared to 15 minutes of my inspire and 16mp.

So my question is if Phantom 4 Pro could be actually better for photogrammetry than the inspire. Not sure how Agisoft Photoscan would stitch the images coming from the phantom 4 pro lens.

Any input appreciated.



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