"Gracias por la pronta respuesta José!
Estos equipos necesitan la toma de puntos de control en tierra?
Una supuesta ventaja de los más costosos es que que no los necesitan?
Estos equipos vienen montados con cámaras multiespectrales, pero para un…"
Amigos, estoy intentando aprender a utilizar el Agisoft Photoscan, con la idea de comprarlo en el futuro si es que el trabajo lo permite (es demasiado caro). El tema es que por el momento lo utilizo en una notebook mac con una memoria de 16gb, por…
"Qué tal José, que equipo listo para volar recomendarías para el relevamiento fotogramétrico de grandes extensiones (5000ha) en zonas de montaña, con viento y altura.
Soy fotógrafo y desde hace un par de años vuelo drones multirotores, realizando…"
"Mark, if the terrain you are covering is kind of plain, I'd suggest you try map pilot app. Much easier to have everything on the tablet itself rather than a notebook, a router, a tablet and troubleshooting with connection issues. Not as powerfull as…"
I'm testing an Inspire 1 Pro with x5 camera and 25mm lens (50mm equivalent) for photogrammetry.It is working fine but due to the 50mm field of view I have to fly at 200m height, and missions take a lot of time. The other lens I have is a 12mm (24mm…
"Janis, I have been testing the combo (tablet and laptop) on a place with wifi so they both connected well.
The isuue I'm getting is that I cannot connect to DJI GO in my andorid tablet after installing UGCS android app. While I can fly with UGCS app…"
"for 12k I expect the owner of the company and the developer to be making coffe for me while learning. Not a very fair comparison, at least in my case, becasue I have the ONE license which is only $65. On the other hand I have found UGCS support…"
"Tks Janis! As a suggestion: It would be very helpfull for beginners like me to explain the items needed and the workflow to connect both things in the instructional videos. Also it should be better explained in the PDF manual about connecting DJI…"
"I have bought and android tablet also but can't connect to laptop in the field, where there is no internet. The tablet is wifi only and cannot be used as mobile hotspot so I'm trying to create a net from my macbook, but the tablet does not see…"
"I've always take okk with dji go up, and then switch to litchi, ugcs, dronepan, or whatever software I need. No problem at all, your drone will be completely responsive."
"Great, I will try to do that then. having all of these waypoints consume more battery? In the test the uav must stop or make a turned bank on each point."