Create map or grid from facade data collect


 After doing a façade data collect (bunch of images) is there a UgCS software utility/package that can generate a map or grid of the collected images? Once a collection has been done and analyzed, if needed, I'd like to be to send the drone to a particular location on the façade for some better images.


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  • Hi Mike,

    There is no automatic action for for this function. You get coordinates, these coordinates you can use in any of your mentioned scenarios - set coordinates for "Click and go", set coordinates as waypoint, set coordinates as Point of interest or any other scenario that might come up. 

    Best regards,
    UgCS Support Team
    Janis Jonins

  • Thanks Jonis,

    Would that image then be used in Click & Go command or does the image position (Lat, Lon, Alt) need to be input to UgCS as a waypoint, or is there some other method?



    Janis Jonins said:

    Hi Mike,

    There is no UgCS component that would generate a map or grid from images captured using Facade scan.

    To get location of particular image, selecti Globe icon in UgCS Mission planner, choose "Show image centers", select image file.

    Drone location at the moment of capturing image will be shown on map.

    Best regards,
    UgCS Support Team
    Janis Jonins


    Create map or grid from facade data collect
    Hi  After doing a façade data collect (bunch of images) is there a UgCS software utility/package that can generate a map or grid of the collected im…
  • Hi Mike,

    There is no UgCS component that would generate a map or grid from images captured using Facade scan.

    To get location of particular image, selecti Globe icon in UgCS Mission planner, choose "Show image centers", select image file.

    Drone location at the moment of capturing image will be shown on map.

    Best regards,
    UgCS Support Team
    Janis Jonins


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