"Would be excellent to have a starting point in any case and share findings. As well - I think that the acceleration torque issue is an "issue" for that motor mounting. I'm not sure if that speed setting is available on the airplane version of…"
That looks like the motor plate vibrated loose over time. When it came loose, the screws going into the foam torqued opposite of the rotation. The motor plate spun in its groove breaking the cowling off as a result.
Im going to mod…"
I had an issue with the PixHawk on a hexa-copter a while ago. The pixhawk was demanding the ESC to accelerate too quickly and causing the 400 KV motors to skip a cog and motor stall. Massive amounts of torque and current sensed by the…"
"As a pilot, I say its a good thing. When things change shape on the screen they can be hard to detect even though the position is the same. I am PRO 3 digit!!
"Well..... I was getting a current draw off the Pixhawk of 154 amps. Ended up the current output of the power module was shorted to the main power buss and putting 24 volts to the I sense input.