Hi,I am trying to do hardware in loop simulation of Quadcopter or Plane aircraft using PX4 autopilot, Flightgear, QGCS/MP ground control station and RC.My problem definition is:Control the quad copter or plane using RC -> i should be able to see…
hi,I am using mission planner 1.3.32 in windows 64bit OS, and on side of it, i want to run my application which demands mavlink messages as input. In mission planner, on pressing Ctrl-F, we have the option of :'mirrors the mavlink stream recieved by…
"Hi Alexander,
i am trying to do exactly same, arm the quadcopter , use rc_override mavlink msg to control it, I have modified c_uart_interface_example and have been sending the rc_override msg at 4hz. I am using jMAVsim simulator to watch behaviour…"