I have a new APM2.5 which was damaged by exceeding the .5A current limit. I added a .6 A Pan servo to the board and the result was a hardware failure. I can get the Terminal and Mavlink connections, but terminal always starts with dataflash and compa
My new APM2.5 just quit working while I was doing the final setup on my plane. I was running v2.40 firmware because the newer versions would not work on the board when it arrived last week (2.70 was not out yet). But, all was well with v2.40 and I pr
My APM2.5 just quit working while I was doing the final setup on my plane. It will no longer connect via Mavlink or 3DR telemetry to MP. At the time, I was mixing rudder control on my DX7-s to operate the FPV camera PAN servo with the GEAR switch. Ev
Well, my APM2 quad just flipped upsidedown in flight about 3 feet off the ground. Very minor damage to aircraft. Now, the APM2 won't transfer data through the Mavlink. All indicator lights come on except the orange data rx/tx are dead. The Mission Pl
I recieved my new APM 2.0 a few days ago. I tested the board, then installed it in my existing Gaui 330x quad. All was good to the point that firmware and config. was done, ESCs successively armed. I even did a spin up of the motors and all was well