"Control stuff was developed mostly by Daniel Mellinger (look up his papers on trajectory generation on google scholar). Orientation is done onboard. Vicon does track orientation, but it's too slow for really aggressive stuff (100Hz is too slow!). We…"
- We've developed the software and hardware from scratch.
- We try to push the platforms to their limit in controlled environments in order to see what may be possible without precise motion tracking by cameras
"It is true that we use the Vicon system to track all of the quadrotors in the video. However, this isn't about just tracking - the main focus is to generate and follow time critical trajectories that avoid collisions with static and moving…"
"The lidar sensors are made by Hokuyo (Japanese company). They are based on time-of-flight of the laser, which shoots out in different directions. I use these for my research work. Quadrotor, however, was built from scratch..."