"I've seen many over priced quads and fixed wings using 3DR's controllers. Now we have RpII and Beaglebone black that can be backed with redundant sensors for data fusion and kalman filter. I believe this is what can make a pro line and not a $$$…"
"First of all, terrorists are not going to spend time, effort, and risk expose their position to shootdown a simple aircraft they can't see. Partly because it flies at night and it is undetectable by radars. Not to mention that ISIS has many china…"
"I'm adding my experience with this. after hours it turned out that my throttle had to be trimmed. go to APM's radio configuration and trim your radio to fall within the range of the calibration bars."
"RPi is cool but I am a strong believer in BeagleBone Black and its potentials. I wish if you have adopted it.
Anyways, best of luck guys! I have signed up! "