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Ben commented on Jason's blog post Easy Star flight test with ArduPilot
""Inverse Yaw" is a secondary effect of aileron or "roll"

When the ailerons are deflected to the left (left stick) the nose of the aircraft (as seen from a pilots view) will move to the right

If the stick is moved to the right the nose will move to…"
Feb 28, 2009
Ben commented on Nick Sargeant's blog post Ardupilot activating a Canon camera running CHDK

Where are you in WA, Not Perth by any chance?"
Feb 16, 2009
Ben posted a discussion
http://diydrones.com/photo/img_2216-1Can anyone identify this Drone for me, does it have a name ??Also are there any plans around for some one like me to scratch build one.Last question any rough dimentions of this beast.Any other plans for any…
Feb 5, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
Could you email your code your using or attach it to the reply post as a zip file ??
I think i have got my head around things now and have some theory's in what may fix the problems.

Feb 4, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
"Michal B,

Is the oscilation caused by the elevators chasing the height or is the throttle chasing the height ??"
Feb 3, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
"Michal B

No problems, its been a long day at work and my brain has shut down for the night 8-)
In the next day or so i will start new blog post with some theory of flight in respect to climbing and decending and some suggestions


Feb 2, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
"Good points Mike,

One way to get a more accurate line track(for photo or other work) is also to compensate for x-winds using desired track plus/minus wind corrections for a desired track made good, it should be easy to set a track away from the…"
Feb 2, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
"Another thought after viewing the above video, is it possible to tell the aircraft to turn the long way around onto the next turnpoint.

as a example whem the aircraft is tracking and over fly's a waypoint and has to turn left less than 80 deg's to…"
Feb 2, 2009
Ben commented on Michal B's blog post ArduPilot successful flight simulation
If you would like a real pilots thoughts on how to get around your Climb and descent problems, drop me a line bjones@pipecomp.com.au

I fly General Aviation , Gliders and Ultralights (LSA'S) as well as model aircraft 8-)


Feb 2, 2009