"Yeah, I'll keep at it. I really don't care if I ruin this hexa since it's just a test platform, really want to figure out what's causing the intermittent takeoff when switching to loiter."
"Just throwing in some random feedback here. Threw the latest dev build on it today, reset all the params and started off with marco's default parameter file as well as recalibrating everything. Copter flies pretty well so far. Do have…"
"Here's the PID's
Also, THR_MID under advanced param's is set to 450 I believe.
Setup is as follows:
Beatup Xaircraft V2 frame
950kv Xaircraft Motors
Terrible multistar HK 10amp esc'sXaircraft props
The APM is in a DIYD 2.5 case with no extra weight…"