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Billy Chan commented on Antonie Kruger's blog post u-blox NEO-6P GPS chip
"I should also mention that the caveat to ambiguity resolution is that:

The receiver needs to resolve the ambiguities for each satellite
If the receiver looses lock on a satellite, the ambiguity terms for that satelite has to be…"
Nov 17, 2012
Billy Chan commented on Antonie Kruger's blog post u-blox NEO-6P GPS chip
"Depending on how PPP is implemented, you might be able to get decimeter level accuracy with PPP for kinematic application. It all depends on the secret sauce used for carrier phase ambiguity resolution.

For the uninitiated, PPP is a means to get…"
Nov 17, 2012
Billy Chan commented on Chris Anderson's blog post "$40,000-$60,000"?
"Not saying that $60k is throw away cash by any means but compared to a real helicopter, it is quite affordable. $400-600/hr is actually quite cheap for helicopter time. I've got well over 50hrs riding on a bunch of different civilian choppers and…"
Oct 31, 2012
Billy Chan commented on Chris Anderson's blog post "$40,000-$60,000"?
"The 'intrinsicly safe' certification would cost a bundle."
Oct 28, 2012
Billy Chan commented on lot's blog post Quad copter flying for 4-8 hours
"It might be possible if it's powered by fuelcells."
Aug 28, 2012