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  • It might be possible if it's powered by fuelcells.

  • I've seen this United Drones company somewhere else before... where was it...

    I definitely call BS.  Sure, 4-8 durability, if it's hanging from a helium balloon for 3.75-7.75 hours first.

  • I call total BS on this one. If this even existed do you think they would advertise it as being used at the Republican convention. It's a well crafted(somebody built them a cool looking quad and scary looking rover) propaganda ploy. I wonder if this company(website) was just created and put in a local Tampa news outlet to scare protestors and make them  feel uneasy. Or maybe they invented a fusion battery? I think that wraith might have mind reading capabilities and will open up on you with it's 12 ga Gatling gun if you think bad thoughts. Ooow very scary. What's sad is people are actually dumb enough to be fooled by this kind of crap.

  • @ArileyS I read the article  I does sound far fetched "Pick up with two fingers' There will be security at the convention and it is in there best interest not to let the public know what measures they have taken . Unless

    this is just "Propaganda? to deter potential trouble makers? (Any body who would stoop to that level is not very bright any way or would know the difference?)

  • Here's the article I caught over the weekend:

    I think it's odd that all of their specs are outrageously good, the company seemingly came out of nowhere, and they refuse to identify who is using their product and how. Judge for yourself.

  • @ArileyS do  you think they might be trying  to get $ funding from some  where ?

  • I read an article about this company over the weekend. Supposedly they're using their Wraith and Aether Aero products for security around the RNC in Tampa. When I looked them up then, their website was just a mysterious cover page without info. Given that the current website and their YouTube video has gone up since then, this smacks of a smoke-and-mirrors publicity stunt. So no, I wouldn't trust those numbers.

  • Take that back it might just have a Nuclear battery being the police and all 100 miles away they would need 4,000

    feet to avoid any uncharted utility wires.

  • Distributor

    I like the legs, the 3 blades props I've tested them and they don't really give any big advantage, in fact they are smaller so require more rotation... The future for longer flights is whit "pancakes" type of motors, with less speed but more power they spin longer props for more efficiency... I call this a nice design (look wise) but the claims are false! :) 

  • I read the Specs. 4 to 8 hours depending on the payload  100 mile range . 4,000 ft altitude I wonder how big this thing is?It might just be a be a "Quack a copter."

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