"No idea yet. The hope is to be able to wireless-ly update waypoints and stream telemetry (video would be awesome too) thru an arduino+xbee to the phone. I'm going for portability."
"Clarence and Chris, there are two ports on the Shield to measure the difference between the pressures. Even if the reading is not a direct comparison, its still comparing the two pressures to a reference, which does the same thing. This looks like a…"
"And you're correct. Got the compass module up and running in a previous post I believe has since been deleted. Here's the algorithm I made up to get windspeed and direction. Highlighted in yellow is the input from the sensors needed, with red being…"
"I have a couple aero degrees, this is a first guess so I can get something that's reasonable. Yes, this data will only be accurate mask taped to my car like that. Out in the freestream, it'll still be pretty close, but probably reading a little…"
"Changed the post a little, I plugged in higher values, and it was a crappy fit (parabolic, started sloping negative). Changed it to linear, but I'll change it back to a better fitting parabolic when I get more data."
"By using actual data reading straight out of the analog pin and interpolating from there, I think that takes care of the offset. Yes, theoretically the v = sqrt((2dp)/rho), but I'm just making a fit out of experimental data. I doubt the pressure…"
Now onto trying to get the differential pressure sensor to do... something. I have the Ardupilot Shield alone with both 3.3v and 5v attached. Analog 3 on the Shield is connected to analog 0 on an Atmega328. Took some trial and error to get the code…
"Just working with what I have. I checked the altitude I was getting from the scp1000, compared it against the local altimeter setting and it was spot on. I don't believe higher fidelity is necessary."
If anyone's interested, here's the code I used, slightly modified and spliced from the internet. This is for the SCP1000-D01, with my temperature running about 35 degrees F hot which for now I'm attributing to the heating from the amperage:// define…
"The XBee modules will come later, not going to put money into it if I can't make the basic aircraft work. The board has analog and digital inputs, and the compass has to be one of those. The winds cannot be calculated without a magnetic compass…"