"Okay, raspberrypi noob here, tried to set this up but I am struggling hahaI copied this into LXTerminal,
sudo apt-get install mercurial hg clone https://bitbucket.org/befi/wifibroadcast
and got the following screen shots where it would abort even if…"
"To our non euro counterparts, has anyone successfully ordered the CSL 300mbit wifi units? I've found some but they're 20 euro a pop and freight is 40 euros, so I'd be looking at 80 euros total just for the RX side of things. "
Hi guys as the title suggests my APM is showing a vertical speed fluctuating between -2 to +10cm/s when I have it sitting on the floor, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so, what was the solution? Cheers
"Bumping this as I too have this issue, some times it's fine, others it doesn't even display. I know heartbeats are still being sent as the telemetry to my taranis doesn't drop out. "
"I saw Alfa make a 5.8ghz version, I'm a noob and going to make the dangerous assumption that it will also work? If only the AUD hadn't dropped so much I wouldn't mind wasting money on a 5.8 version haha"
"New to this all but I'm assuming you can use a 5.8ghz wifi setup for this? I run 2.4 as my transmitter for my quad and didn't want interference from the system."