Is there any documentation or tutorials on UgCS Mapper? I DL'd UgCS Mapper and tried it on a few different data sets which matched closely to Agisoft's camera alignments. I just didn't really see much of a time improvement in photo matching between…
"Correct the problem lies with the drone flying to waypoint 1. I don't always have waypoint 1 near me or even as the closest waypoint so flying to waypoint 1 then to the desired start point doesn't make a lot of sense at least for my current mission.…"
"Well, the drone rises to the 1st waypoint altitude then goes to the first waypoint passing the new start point and then flys back to the new start point. Alexey Dobrovolskiy said:
Hi, new behavior is much more safe. You need to have first waypoint…"
"Yeah, I wasn't digging this waypoint-stop-and go feature either. I'll try the adaptive bank turns. Another issue was the "change start point" which when implemented on a multi-battery flight would go to the beginning of the of the mission route then…"
"I basically keep an eye on the battery level and when it's low enough I pause the mission at the end of a route line and set my new start point there, fly back, change batteries and resume the mission. My current mission takes between 3 and four…"
Wondering if anyone else is experiencing UGCS crashes? Essentially what happens to me is after using UGCS for an hour or so my keyboard no longer functions and after about 15 minutes of that the computer will crash to a dialogue asking how the…
"If shooting RAW then the trigger time is 5 seconds for jpeg it's 2 seconds.
I do 85% front X 70% side overlap and it works well with Agisoft PS Pro. Mark Fink said:
I'm interested in what the Phantom 4 Pro is capable of doing, compared to…"
"I tried to import your trees_subset through the Add Building routine and got the same result, no joy. I tried importing them using the KML2UGCS droplet, but that is for routes and didn't result in the correct display. I will try some more and let…"
"Hey, that worked for me! I had some weird crash today while flying a mission and then UGCS wouldn't open due to the server not working, so I tried your server-db thing and it started again. My mission, however, isn't there anymore. Stuart Black…"
"I just changed the version in the xml file, no worries!
I do have several separate units I need to draw and was wondering if the photogrammetry droplet is capable of converting all of them simultaneously. Currently, it converts the first unit to…"