David Ankers's Posts (4)

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A public thank you to Caleb from CH Robotics


As some people might know there is a team hard at work on OpenPilot and we are making some progress, like every complex project things don't go as fast as you like but progress is happening. One of the things we are working on now is the low level infrastructure for the AHRS, this makes it so our EKF developers can just drop their code in without messing with the low level side of things.

On of the issues we needed to resolve was filtering the inputs, we were a bit unsure on which way to go. I sent an email to Caleb from CHR to ask his advice, he not only helped a lot but also gave us permission to use parts of his gyro filtering code such as his FIR filter as long as we credited him. Naturally he will be credited in the code and the credit file but I wanted to say a public thank you for this as well.

What I love about OpenPilot is the community, this side was mentioned on the podcast where we announced the project. Caleb is a perfect example of this community spirit.

Additionally, I don't see the CHR-6dm AHRS mentioned much here, so if you are looking for a well priced, powerful AHRS with a complete EKF have a look at http://www.chrobotics.com/ - Caleb rocks :-)

A small update on OpenPilot as well. Things are moving along, we have our issue tracker running now which can be found at bugs.openpilot.org there are still tasks to be added as not everything being is done is in there yet but it will be. There is a burn down chart which shows how far away we are from the version 1.0 release and a list of outstanding tasks that we need help with if people want to get involved.

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The AeroQuad

I know this is not strictly a UAV but because this is centre of the universe for things Arduino flight related and there have been some very cool posts about Quads lately (it is also one of my passions), I thought I would post about an Open Source Arduino based Quad platform in case people are not aware of it.

I have heard of the project in the past but never really spent any decent time looking at it until today, it certainly looks very good and appears to fly very well. The website is http://aeroquad.info and it uses either the Arduino Duemilanove w/ Atmega 328 or the Arduino Mega.

One of the other reasons for posting this is I wonder how easy it would be to get the code to run on the upcoming ArduPilot Mega and utilising the ArduIMU?

The parts list, source code and loads of good information are on the site. Looks to be a very well run project.

UPDATE: Sorry, this has been posted before, however, I am very interested in the question of running this code on the upcoming ArduPilot Mega and using the ArduIMU as sensor inputs.

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Its Alive!!

There will be a load more talk about this project right here on the DiyDrones Podcast on the Feb 14th. This code was working a while back but we finally got around to making a video.The hardware has changed a little bit since then but only to expand the power options and a couple more features, 8 servo inputs, 8 Servo outputs, SDCard, USB and lots more. Its a totally community driven project, the hardware will be cheap (revolutionary cheap) because we are doing this for fun, it is very high quality and very powerful. This tiny 4-layer board is awesome and the AHRS is out of this world.
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